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Creating champions, increasing engagement


在CHS,我们知道政府政策和法规对商业决策有影响. 我们必须让政策制定者了解立法、规则和条例的影响. With deep expertise and up-to-the-minute information, 我们的政府事务团队放大了CHS和我们业主的声音,以便农民的观点, ranchers and rural communities is clearly heard.

Representing CHS and our owners

CHS政府事务团队代表CHS所有者和利益相关者到美国行政和立法部门.S. and state governments, independent government agencies, nongovernmental organizations and industry specific groups. Working at the forefront of policymaking, CHS政府事务团队确保CHS是一个领先的声音,与影响农业决策的决策者接触, the cooperative system, and rural America. 政府事务团队与CHS所有者和利益相关者合作,为CHS创造更大的机会,使其参与并在公共政策讨论中发挥其发言权-这是一个行业领导者的统一声音.

U.S. Capitol during sunset

The team works to:

  • Protect CHS and our owners
  • Proactively advance CHS interests
  • 向CHS决策者通报对其业务重要的政府举措
  • Influence external decision makers

Beyond influencing and informing, 服务中心政务组负责为服务中心董事会政府关系委员会和服务中心年会决议委员会提供人员. If you have any questions about federal or state public policy please email us.

Your engagement

People connecting with policy. It isn’t just a phrase, it’s an action plan that strengthens the relationship between CHS and policymakers. The CHSPAC, the political action committee of CHS, 为员工和制作人提供了一个与其他人一起将CHS的声音带到最前沿的机会. By voluntarily pooling their personal financial resources to support the CHSPAC, 合格的雇员和制作人帮助选举州和联邦政府的候选人, connecting and empowering the CHS community.


CHSPAC实践透明度和深思熟虑的考虑,以确定和支持理解并同情农业综合企业面临的经济和监管挑战的候选人, agronomy, and energy sectors. Led by an eight-member advisory committee, 每年都会对标准进行评估,以指导决策,以确保公平和无党派的政治捐赠方法. Participation in the CHSPAC is limited by the Federal Election Campaign Act, which governs the CHSPAC's activities and reporting requirements.


Contributions to CHSPAC are not tax-deductible and are completely voluntary. CHS不会因为捐款的数额或不捐款的决定而偏袒或损害任何人. CHSPAC报告的副本已提交给联邦选举委员会,并可在以下网址获得

 For information on how to become a CHSPAC member, please email us.

Government in action

U.S. House of Representatives

Policy positions

  • Carbon trading markets
    • CHS supports voluntary, 以激励为基础的政策,鼓励农民采用气候智能型农业做法, including favorable terms on government loans and other financial support programs.
    • CHS不支持将气候智能型做法的采用与农民或牧场主参与联邦资助的风险澳门皇冠赌场平台项目的能力联系起来的行动, such as crop insurance, Title 1 commodity programs (ARC/PLC), Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) or Livestock Gross Margin coverage.
    • Policies must be equitable across geographies, crops and grazing operations.
    • 政策必须充分包括已经采取气候智能型做法的早期适应者.
    • CHS支持碳减排和保护政策,以保持土地的生产, rather than land retirement programs (CRP).
    • CHS supports the Growing Climate Solutions Act.
    • USDA should develop consistent, credible, 以科学为基础的标准来考虑气候智能型农业实践的碳封存和温室气体减排效益.
    • USDA should define climate-smart practices as practices that:
      • 提供气候效益,包括增加固存和/或减少温室气体排放
      • Meet the growing demand for food, fiber, fuel, 尽管气候不断变化,农业扩张到更多土地的机会越来越少
      • Contribute to economic development, poverty reduction and food security 
      • Maintain and enhance the productivity and resilience of natural, agricultural and forest ecosystem functions, to build natural capital
      • Develop adaptation and mitigation approaches 
      • Reduce tradeoffs encountered in the pursuit of these goals.
  • E15
    • CHS强烈支持E15和其他高乙醇混合物,并倡导旨在扩大其采用和使用的政策, 包括将E15全年在全国销售合法化的联邦立法.
    • Expanding E15 use requires infrastructure investments. CHS believes governments should act to reduce the cost burden of those investments.
    • 卫生服务中心完全支持诸如高混合基础设施激励计划(HBIIP)这样的拨款项目。, 为零售商安装E15销售所需的基础设施提供资金, such as underground storage tanks.
    • To show commitment to making E15 more accessible, CHS是少数几家通过向EPA注册乙醇和乙醇工厂来完成所有联邦要求生产E15的乙醇生产商之一, submitting a Misfueling Mitigation Plan and creating a survey plan. While it is costly and time-consuming to complete these steps, 这样做对我们的业主和客户都是正确的,也说明了CHS想要成为E15的领导者.
    • CHS is making E15 more accessible for consumers by removing barriers for our 1,400-plus Cenex branded retailers, 包括批准E15作为零售商的天然气等级,并通过CHS足迹的终端建立通道.
  • Higher octane fuels
    • CHS支持采用95研究辛烷值(RON)来减少碳排放, 提高内燃机的效率,满足当前和未来的CAFE标准.
    • a95 RON为乙醇和玉米提供需求保护,有利于我们的皇冠hga010安卓二维码和粮食业务, while promoting liquid fuels as a responsible energy source into the future.
    • CHS无法支持98 RON,因为这会给我们的皇冠hga010安卓二维码业务带来越来越多的经济和后勤问题.
  • Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)
    • 独特的CHS运营足迹需要分析拟议的低碳燃料标准(LCFS)立法规定,包括合规时间表, impact to rural communities, off-ramp mechanisms and updated fuel pathway modeling (e.g., canola, corn, renewable diesel, soybean)
    • CHS supports grower participation in the decarbonization value stream (e.g., grower practices that reduce carbon intensity through fuel and crop applications).
    • CHS支持一个低碳燃料标准,包括一个现实的液体燃料合规时间表,以及监管和立法行动,承认液体燃料在任何向电动汽车过渡的必要作用,并且不会导致有利于电气化的需求破坏.

Have a question regarding the impact of legislation on cooperatives and agriculture?

CHS resolutions committee
Producer priorities
Policy resolutions adopted by CHS producers
Two people checking on crops in a field
Developing future cooperative leaders
The CHS New Leaders political advocacy trips to Washington, D.C., 与CHS政府事务小组的合作为当前和未来的合作社领导人提供了一个机会,使他们能够与国会议员和政府官员就影响我们农民业主的企业和合作社制度的问题进行联系. The political advocacy program is designed for alumni of the CHS New Leaders Forum.